[mou] MOU Field Trip: Sep 10 - Duluth Migration

Tom Auer mthomasauer@gmail.com
Sat, 3 Sep 2005 13:19:58 -0500

The first MOU field trip of the fall will happen next Saturday,
September 10th in Duluth, Minnesota. We're going to head out and hit
all of the local migrant traps, searching for all species. The trip
was orginally planned for the following weekend, but has been moved to
avoid the Inline Marathon.

There has been some concern that moving the trip earlier will decrease
our chance of finding certain hard-to-find birds, but I don't think
that will be the case. This will still be a fantastic trip at a
beautiful time of the year, with a great possiblity for vagrants and
rare migrants. Look at recent sightings in the area: Lark Bunting, Red
Knot, and Little Gull. This is a fantastic time for Jaegers and we'll
spend some time in the evening, just sitting on the beach scanning for
the birds.

My co-leader will be Mike Hendrickson, a long-time swami of Duluth
birding and the man who taught me everything I know about birding the
area. He and I have both spent extensive amounts of time combing the
area in the fall and know the best places to hit migrant waves and the
more reliable places for the rarer species.

I know that gas expense is a concern, so we'll carpool as much as
possible, to save everyone the hassle of filling up at over $3.00 a

If you'd like to attend, please send me an email at this address and
I'll sign you up and give you additional details on exact meeting
locations and times.

Hope to see you out there!
Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chairman