[mou] birder-to birder relief request

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Sat, 3 Sep 2005 14:36:11 EDT

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 Minnesota Birders:

The following is from the LA Birds site on <<<www.birdingonthe.net>>>. It is
full of pathos, encouragement and sadness. There are many birders listed as
both 'found' and 'missing.'

I include Van Remsen's request. (He is one of the world's experts on
Ivory-billed Woodpecker.)

 I urge all to go to the site and read the posts--some
heart-warming and some heart-breaking.

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

Subject: birder-to-birder Katrina relief
From: Van Remsen <najames@LSU.EDU>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:58:31 -0500
LABIRD: It seems highly likely that some of our comrades in SE LA and coastal
MS have lost everything. Let's hope that the roster is miraculously short.
Nonetheless, let's start thinking about a relief effort. I suspect that 
Cross etc. will eventually take care of the basic needs in terms of long-term
housing and clothing, although we can do our part in terms of temp housing
and donations. I suspect that an appropriate niche for us might be things 
field gear and bird books. This stuff is obviously low on their immediate
priority list but may mean a lot fairly soon to those who have lost it all. 
the federal agencies who were supposed to have a plan for this predictable
disaster, I don't have a blueprint we can follow in terms of what we can do 
LABIRD resources ... I'm basically thinking "out loud," so feedback welcomed.
I have already heard from Mike Busam of the Ohio Ornithological Society in
terms of wondering how they can help. Perhaps those of you with birder 
in other states can get those states to at least start thinking about a 
effort. I know that our great neighbors in Texas and Arkansas have especially
big hearts. It is unlikely that New Orleans area folks will have a clear idea
of their losses soon, but Slidell-Lacombe and coastal MS folks may already
know where they stand. -- Van Remsen najames@LSU.edu LSU Museum of Natural
Science Foster Hall 119, LSU Baton Rouge, LA 70803

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2"> Minnesota Birders:<BR>
The following is from the LA Birds site on &lt;&lt;&lt;www.birdingonthe.net&=
gt;&gt;&gt;. It is<BR>
full of pathos, encouragement and sadness. There are many birders listed as<=
both 'found' and 'missing.'<BR>
I include Van Remsen's request. (He is one of the world's experts on<BR>
Ivory-billed Woodpecker.)<BR>
 I urge all to go to the site and read the posts--some<BR>
heart-warming and some heart-breaking.<BR>
Doug Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD<BR>
Subject: birder-to-birder Katrina relief<BR>
From: Van Remsen &lt;najames@LSU.EDU&gt;<BR>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 13:58:31 -0500<BR>
LABIRD: It seems highly likely that some of our comrades in SE LA and coasta=
MS have lost everything. Let's hope that the roster is miraculously short.<B=
Nonetheless, let's start thinking about a relief effort. I suspect that FEMA=
Cross etc. will eventually take care of the basic needs in terms of long-ter=
housing and clothing, although we can do our part in terms of temp housing<B=
and donations. I suspect that an appropriate niche for us might be things li=
field gear and bird books. This stuff is obviously low on their immediate<BR=
priority list but may mean a lot fairly soon to those who have lost it all.=20=
the federal agencies who were supposed to have a plan for this predictable<B=
disaster, I don't have a blueprint we can follow in terms of what we can do=20=
LABIRD resources ... I'm basically thinking "out loud," so feedback welcomed=
I have already heard from Mike Busam of the Ohio Ornithological Society in<B=
terms of wondering how they can help. Perhaps those of you with birder conta=
in other states can get those states to at least start thinking about a simi=
effort. I know that our great neighbors in Texas and Arkansas have especiall=
big hearts. It is unlikely that New Orleans area folks will have a clear ide=
of their losses soon, but Slidell-Lacombe and coastal MS folks may already<B=
know where they stand. -- Van Remsen najames@LSU.edu LSU Museum of Natural<B=
Science Foster Hall 119, LSU Baton Rouge, LA 70803</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000=