[mou] Fwd: [wisb] Superior

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sat, 10 Sep 2005 20:15:18 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Daryl Tessen" <bhaunts@core.com>
Date: September 10, 2005 7:04:03 PM CDT
To: "Wisconsin Birding Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>
Subject: [wisb] Superior

And to wet our appetite for the WSO Superior weekend here is what has 
seen these past two days.  Robbye Johnson called this afternoon.  She 
able to confirm today the Laughing Gull she thought she had seen on 
Then another birder indicated he had the Little Gull and a first year
Sabine's Gull on the bay this morning.  Yesterday several MN birders 
had at
the Superior/Duluth harbor entrance 2 Parasitic Jaegers and another 
Gull.  Sooooo the activity is getting hot on Wisconsin Point.  Here is
hoping it continues through the WSO weekend which is two weeks from now.
On another note, the Solon Springs Green Violet-ear that was coming to a
feeder there, was last seen a week ago today.  I have not heard of any
sightings since then.  It is interesting that the Spring Green bird 
on Sunday.  One wonders, but we will probably never know??!!!!
Daryl Tessen
Outagamie County
Appleton, WI

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