[mou] Goshawk-Lac Que Parle Co

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Sat, 10 Sep 2005 23:23:20 EDT

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I was in Lac Que Parle Co for a short time on Friday September 9., I was  
surprised to see an immature Gos this early in the season. It was seen about  
three mile southeast of Dawson flying over a corn field. Luckily it flew by but  
then circled back and landed on a electric pole about 20 yards in front of me 
so  I was able to get the size right and determine that it was not a Coopers 
Hawk. I  went by the Dawson sewage ponds and saw about 30 Killdeer, 1 Spotted 
sandpiper,  and 1 Golden Plover. 

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<DIV>I was in Lac Que Parle Co for a short time on Friday September 9., I wa=
surprised to see an immature Gos this early in the season. It was seen about=
three mile southeast of Dawson flying over a corn field. Luckily it flew by=20=
then circled back and landed on a electric pole about 20 yards in front of m=
e so=20
I was able to get the size right and determine that it was not a Coopers Haw=
k. I=20
went by the Dawson sewage ponds and saw about 30 Killdeer, 1 Spotted sandpip=
and 1 Golden Plover. </DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
