[mou] ID help for Bird Call heard at 1am

Roger Schroeder ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Mon, 12 Sep 2005 01:42:46 -0500

1:00am Monday morning working on the computer I heard in our back yard a
bird that sounds like its trying to clear its throat. It was a harsh,
moderately deep-pitched, rattle-type call note that lasted for just about
one second. Something like, "khrraaaak". It reminded me somewhat of a cuckoo
sp., or wren sp. call note, but instead of individual chatter notes strung
togerther, this was one, single note. The bird repeated this note three
times with about a 1-2 second pause in between each call. After about 30
seconds it made the same call - again three times with 1-2 second pause
between. After about 1-2 minutes it made the three calls again, then either
moved on or started to sleep.

I live in Marshall, MN on the northwest end of town. We get a lot of birds
flying overhead - perhaps because all the green-space from the airport is
less than 1 mile away - and have the only yard in our new development with
thick shrubs and running water.

No idea what this bugger is, so if anyone can provide some direction that
would be great. Thanks.
Roger Schroeder

p.s. Anyone interested in helping serve on the MOU Board? Call me at