[mou] Hawk Ridge Weekend - Mou display

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:55:13 EDT

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I am looking for a volunteer that would be willing to take and return the  
MOU display and handout information to Hawk Ridge and set it up at Hawk Ridge on 
 Sat. Sept 24th.  Dave Carman is coordinating a display section at the ridge  
on the 24th.
If you are interested in volunteering to do this on the 24th, please  contact 
Jerry Bonkoski
_jebonkoski@aol.com_ (mailto:jebonkoski@aol.com)   

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<DIV>I am looking for a volunteer that would be willing to take and return t=
MOU display and handout information to Hawk Ridge and set it up at Hawk Ridg=
e on=20
Sat. Sept 24th.&nbsp; Dave Carman is coordinating a display section at the r=
on the 24th.</DIV>
<DIV>If you are interested in volunteering to do this on the 24th, please=20
contact me.</DIV>
<DIV>Jerry Bonkoski</DIV>
