[mou] Hillside Rd. & Hokah, Houston Co.Sept. 14 AM. Hawkwatch Sept. 17

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:46:32 -0700 (PDT)

>From the road, highlights of 42 species seen:

Am. W. Pelican----30+ soar over Miss. R.
Bald E. -----------4
Red. t. H.---------2
Sandhill Crane-----2A (Root R. floodplain N. of Hokah)
Red-h. Wood.-------1A
Yel. bell. Sap.----1
Flycatchers: E. Wood P., Least, E. Phoebe, Great
Yel. thrtd. & Red-eyed Vireos
Carolina Wren------1, heard only. From parking lot
base of steep road ascending to the tower.
House Wren---------3
E. Bluebird--------2
Gray Catbird-------3
Warbler sp: Chestnut-s., Magnolia, Yel. r., Am. Red.,
Ovenbird (5), KENTUCKY, Mourning, Com. Yelthroat.
E. Towhee (5)
White-thrtd. Sparrow--2
meadowlark sp

Saturday Sept. 15, Coulee Region Audubon Society
(CRAS) of the LaCrosse area will gather on Hillside
Rd. near the microwave tower up the big hill north of
Reno, Minnesota (Houston co.) about 9AM to watch for
hawks until at least noon.
This is a one shot try for Broad-winged Hawk kettles,
and there will be other raptors, as well as hoards 
of unidentified butterflies: yellow ones thick along
the road--sulphurs?--, crescents, swallowtails (black
& tiger), Milbert's Tortoiseshell, Monarchs. 

Access Hillside Rd. most easily by traveling south on
Hwy 26 from Hwy 16 south of LaCrescent. Through
Brownsville then look hard for Reno where Hillside
ends at Hwy 26. Turn right (west) through the 5 house
village couple miles through great warbler watching in
the Minn. Hardwood Forest past the lower campground
and the small parking lot where the road makes a hard
left to the top where you cannot miss the landmark
microwave tower. Hillside Rd. can also be reached from
Co. Rd. 3 just west of Brownsville. 

Fred Lesher
Field Trips Organizer, CRAS
LaCrosse, Wisconsin

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