[mou] Special MOU Field Trip - Lake Superior Pelagic - October 8th

Tom Auer mthomasauer@gmail.com
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 20:12:26 -0500

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As of today, I have tentatively scheduled the LL Smith Jr, a 55-foot tugboa=
out of Superior, for a special MOU-only pelagic birding trip on October 8th=
I'm looking to fill the ship with 27 eager birders who are looking for a=20
plethora of potential Lake Superior specialties.
 In early October on the big pond, we could find Sabine's Gull, Little Gull=
Jaegers, Black-legged Kittiwake, Pacific and Red-throated Loons, Harlequin=
Ducks, and other migrating waterfowl, such as Scoters or Long-tailed Ducks.=
We'll cruise out of Duluth for four hours, touring the shores, open waters=
and nearby piers. There could potentially be a small fee for the trip (no=
more than $10-20) to cover running costs. Email me to reserve a spot on thi=
special event today! First come, first serve.
 Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chairman

www.d.umn.edu/~auer0009 <http://www.d.umn.edu/~auer0009>

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<div>As of today, I have tentatively scheduled the LL Smith Jr, a 55-foot t=
ugboat out of Superior, for a special MOU-only pelagic birding trip on Octo=
ber 8th. I'm looking to fill the ship with 27 eager birders who are looking=
 for a plethora of potential Lake Superior specialties.
<div>In early October on the big pond, we could find Sabine's Gull, Little =
Gull, Jaegers, Black-legged Kittiwake, Pacific and Red-throated Loons, Harl=
equin Ducks, and other migrating waterfowl, such as Scoters or Long-tailed =
Ducks. We'll cruise out of Duluth for four hours, touring the shores, open =
waters and nearby piers. There could potentially be a small fee for the tri=
p (no more than $10-20) to cover running costs. Email me to reserve a spot =
on this special event today! First come, first serve.
<div><a href=3D"mailto:mthomasauer@gmail.com">mthomasauer@gmail.com</a></di=
<div>Tom Auer</div>
<div>MOU Field Trip Chairman<br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br><a href=3D"http://=
www.d.umn.edu/~auer0009">www.d.umn.edu/~auer0009</a> </div>
