[mou] Pelagic Trip Filled - More Options?

Tom Auer mthomasauer@gmail.com
Sat, 17 Sep 2005 21:00:03 -0500

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The trip has now filled and has a waiting list of 5 people. With this much=
demand for the trip, I'm contemplating doing one of the following:

1.) Adding an afternoon trip for 4 hours, also on October 8th.
2.) Adding a trip on Sunday morning, October 9th (we lose a weather day).
2.) Adding another trip on a different weekend (likely October 1st or 22nd)

Anyway, I have to confer with the Captain of the boat on regards of this=20
matter. If you have interest in any of these options, please let me know an=
I'll make note of it. I think another trip would be very feasible.=20
Otherwise, keep an eye open for another trip opening up.

Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chair

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The trip has now filled and has a waiting list of 5 people. With this
much demand for the trip, I'm contemplating doing one of the following:<br>
1.) Adding an afternoon trip for 4 hours, also on October 8th.<br>
2.) Adding a trip on Sunday morning, October 9th (we lose a weather day).<b=
2.) Adding another trip on a different weekend (likely October 1st or 22nd)=
Anyway, I have to confer with the Captain of the boat on regards of
this matter. If you have interest in any of these options, please let
me know and I'll make note of it. I think another trip would be very
feasible. Otherwise, keep an eye open for another trip opening up.<br>
Tom Auer<br>
MOU Field Trip Chair<br>
