[mou] Re: 4 charged with killing owls

jacobtee@aol.com jacobtee@aol.com
Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:34:57 -0400

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 I agree with Chris.  I doubt these guys went out and first bought a hunting license before shooting these birds.  So taking away their privleges wouldn't stop them either.  Why weren't they all formally charged in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis with violations of the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act?  Just because of the numbers?  Is that what the MBTA is about?  It's OK to shoot a few protected species but not OK to shoot ten of them?  I don't get it!  They should've all been prosecuted to the fullest extent and the MBTA should've been enforced in all the cases.  Also, where does all that restitution money go to?  Does it go back towards protection of the owls or does it go to a different program in the DNR?
Jay Gilliam
Norwalk, IA
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Fagyal <cfagyal@avianphotos.org>
To: mnbird@lists.mnbird.net
Cc: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Sent: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:11:57 -0500
Subject: [mou] Re: [mnbird] FW: 4 charged with killing owls

Personally I think they should be thrown in jail, and the guy who killed 10 should get a life sentence. Revoking a hunting license is akin to spanking a little kid. It does absolutely nothing. They will still have guns, they will still figure out ways to go shoot stuff. It just seems pretty obvious to me that revoking a license does nothing, because these guys all shot protected animals that aren't in their "hunting license", and one of them shot many of them. How does revoking their license do a damned thing? Throw them in jail. 
Laura Erickson wrote: 
>I think their hunting and trapping licenses should be suspended for more 
>than two years. The fines seem reasonable, but it does not seem at all 
>reasonable that after doing something like this they can so quickly resume 
> > 
mou-net mailing list 

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<DIV>&nbsp;I agree with Chris.&nbsp; I doubt these guys went out and first bought a hunting license before shooting these birds.&nbsp; So taking away their privleges wouldn't stop them either.&nbsp; Why weren't they all formally charged in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis with violations of the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act?&nbsp; Just because of the numbers?&nbsp; Is that what the MBTA is about?&nbsp; It's OK to shoot a few protected species but not OK to shoot ten of them?&nbsp; I don't get it!&nbsp; They should've all been prosecuted to the fullest extent and the MBTA should've been enforced in all the cases.&nbsp; Also, where does all that restitution money go to?&nbsp; Does it go back towards protection of the owls or does it go to a different program in the DNR?</DIV>
<DIV>Jay Gilliam</DIV>
<DIV>Norwalk, IA</DIV>&nbsp;<BR>-----Original Message-----<BR>From: Chris Fagyal &lt;cfagyal@avianphotos.org&gt;<BR>To: mnbird@lists.mnbird.net<BR>Cc: mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR>Sent: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:11:57 -0500<BR>Subject: [mou] Re: [mnbird] FW: 4 charged with killing owls<BR><BR>
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<DIV class=AOLPlainTextBody id=AOLMsgPart_0_dd9ac199-58d3-4c72-975b-823fd7bddbe8>Personally I think they should be thrown in jail, and the guy who killed 10 should get a life sentence. Revoking a hunting license is akin to spanking a little kid. It does absolutely nothing. They will still have guns, they will still figure out ways to go shoot stuff. It just seems pretty obvious to me that revoking a license does nothing, because these guys all shot protected animals that aren't in their "hunting license", and one of them shot many of them. How does revoking their license do a damned thing? Throw them in jail.&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Chris&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Laura Erickson wrote:&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&gt;I think their hunting and trapping licenses should be suspended for more&nbsp;<BR>&gt;than two years. The fines seem reasonable, but it does not seem at all&nbsp;<BR>&gt;reasonable that after doing something like this they can so quickly resume&nbsp;<BR>&gt;hunting.&nbsp;<BR>&gt; &gt
 ;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>_______________________________________________&nbsp;<BR>mou-net mailing list&nbsp;<BR><A href="mailto:mou-net%40cbs.umn.edu">mou-net@cbs.umn.edu</A>&nbsp;<BR><A href="http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net" target=_blank>http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net</A>&nbsp;<BR></DIV><!-- end of AOLMsgPart_0_dd9ac199-58d3-4c72-975b-823fd7bddbe8 --></DIV></DIV></BODY></HTML>
