[mou] Both "Pelagic" Trips Full!

Tom Auer mthomasauer@gmail.com
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:41:38 -0500

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Just a note to let everyone know that both MOU Lake Superior Pelagic trips=
have filled to their capacity (28). I will continue to keep waitlists for=
both trips, if people would like to be considered. As well, if any spots=20
open up, I'll be sure to announce them here. The final costs for each trip=
will be $20 per person, to be paid when you board the boat.
 I've also finalized my co-leaders for the trips. On October 1st, Mike=20
Hendrickson will be assisting me. On October 8th, both Mike Hendrickson and=
Bob Dunlap will be assisting. These positions are crucial on pelagics to=20
make sure that everyone on the boat knows what's going on and where the=20
birds are, you'll hear us yelling a lot when birds are seen.
 If you've signed up for one of the trips, keep an eye out for an=20
informational email regarding all pertinent data about the trips within a=
week the boats depart from Duluth.
Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chairman

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<div>Just a note to let everyone know that both MOU Lake Superior Pelagic t=
rips have filled to their capacity (28). I will continue to keep waitlists =
for both trips, if people would like to be considered. As well, if any spot=
s open up, I'll be sure to announce them here. The final costs for each tri=
p will be $20 per person, to be paid when you board the boat.
<div>I've also finalized my co-leaders for the trips. On October 1st, Mike =
Hendrickson will be assisting me. On October 8th, both Mike Hendrickson and=
 Bob Dunlap will be assisting. These positions are crucial on pelagics to m=
ake sure that everyone on the boat knows what's going on and where the bird=
s are, you'll hear us yelling a lot when birds are seen.
<div>If you've signed up for one of the trips, keep an eye out for an infor=
mational email regarding all pertinent data about the trips within a week t=
he boats depart from Duluth.</div>
<div>Tom Auer</div>
<div>MOU Field Trip Chairman</div>
