[mou] Reno Microwave Tower (Hillside Rd. Houston Co.) Raptors Sept. 20; passerines

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:37:45 -0700 (PDT)

Turkey Vulture------------17
Bald Eagle-----------------3
No. Harrier----------------1
Sharp-shinned Hawk---------9
Cooper's Hawk--------------3
Broad-winged Hawk-------1258
Red-t. Hawk----------------6
American Kestrel-----------1
Peregrine Falcon-----------1
unidentified accipiter-----3
      "      buteo---------3
      "      raptor-------12

Total hawks: 1319
Time: 10:30 AM-3PM (4.5hrs.)
Wind speeds: 8-14mph
Winds from S, SW,SE
Cloud cover: None
Flight Direction: SW, S
Height of flight: Beyond unaided vision, mostly.
Bar. Pressure: 30.13 up to 30.14 by noon, then falling
to 30.10 by 3PM. (weather bureau at LaCrosse)

Numbers were overwhelming for a solo observer: I am
sure I undercounted and missed some IDs. Kettles of
BWHAs included 300 & 400 birds. They appeared to the
north, streaming in, kettling up, peeling off SW. If I
followed these movements and returned to the original
kettle site, more birds were streaming to repeat the
movement to the SW. On & on. Encores from about 11AM
to 1PM.

Al Stankewitz of rural Hokah joined me, after most of
the action. We hiked up above the Reno quarry
(abandoned) about 3:30 PM and observed continued
reduced flight of BWHAs, and an immature Peregrine
Falcon which flew about 30 feet over us over the

On Shellhorn Rd. (Shellhorn Rd. connects between Hwy
26 & Hillside Rd. On Hwy 26 it starts at the Shellhorn
bar) between 9:30AM & 10AM were the usual passerine
residents & migrants: E. Phoebe, Tufted Titmouse,
Red-brstd. Nuthatch, House Wren (2), Ruby-crnd.
Kinglet, Gray Catbird (2), Yellow-thrtd. Vireo,
Red-eyed V., Chestnut-sided Wa., Magnolia Wa., Black &
white Wa., Am. Redstart, Rose-brstd. Grosbeak, E.
Towhee, White-thrtd. Sp.

Hillside Rd. runs north from Reno/Hwy 26 at the south
to Co. Rd. 3 at the west side of Brownsville.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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