[mou] Duluth RBA 9/22/05

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:47:16 -0500

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, September 22nd, 
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A light morph juvenile LONG-TAILED JAEGER was found on the Minnesota 
side of the Superior Entry by Mike Hendrickson on the 18th.  Mike 
also reported an ARCTIC TERN, and Dedrick Benz found an adult LESSER 
BLACK-BACKED GULL on the Minnesota breakwall.  Jim Mattsson and Conny 
Brunell relocated the Long-tailed Jaeger on the 19th, along with an 
adult light morph PARASITIC JAEGER, which was seen later in the day 
at Park Point.  Three unidentified jaegers, a FRANKLIN'S GULL, and a 
PACIFIC LOON were reported today at Wisconsin Point.  Chet Myers 
found a PACIFIC LOON at Park Point on the 21st, and I have a second-
hand report of four RED-THROATED LOONS seen at Park Point on the 

On the 16th, Tom Auer found a flock of 60-70 SABINE'S GULLS, the 
largest flock ever recorded in Minnesota, at 31st Street on Park 
Point.  One adult and one juvenile were also seen on the 17th and 
18th by several observers, and one was reported today at Wisconsin 
Point.  Peder Svingen found a WHIMBREL and a very early SURF SCOTER 
on the Minnesota side of the Superior Entry on the 18th.

by Sharon Lind at Taconite Harbor in Cook County on the 18th.  A 
Yellow-billed Cuckoo was also seen at Wisconsin Point on the 17th by 
Dedrick Benz and Chris Hockema, and by Mike Hendrickson today.  Tom 
Auer saw a LECONTE'S SPARROW near the marsh at the Flood Bay wayside 
rest on the 18th and a juvenile RED-HEADED WOODPECKER at Stony Point. 
 An adult Red-headed Woodpecker was seen by several observers on the 
19th at the Park Point Recreational Area.  A MARSH WREN was found at 
Stony Point on the 21st.

A single day record of 72 OSPREYS was counted at Hawk Ridge on the 
18th, as well as a SWAINSON'S HAWK and two SANDHILL CRANES.  A FOX 
SPARROW was banded at Hawk Ridge on the 21st, and Jan Green saw nine 
WINTER WRENS on a short stretch of trail at the Ridge today.  

On the 17th, two CACKLING GEESE were seen at the Park Point 
Recreation Area and two were seen flying over Two Harbors.  Three 
Cackling Geese were seen at the Beaver Bay sewage ponds on the 18th, 
and three were seen today at 99th Avenue West in Gary-New Duluth. 
Single AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS were reported at 40th Avenue West on 
the 19th and at the Silver Bay marina today.  A GREAT EGRET was also 
seen at 40th Avenue West on the 19th and one continues to be seen at 
the Two Harbors golf course ponds.  

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, 
September 29th.

The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.  
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded 

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota 
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more 
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum to 
mou@cbs.umn.edu, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.