[mou] Photo web site update

Steve Foss stfcatfish@yahoo.com
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 18:35:59 -0700 (PDT)

You can see a number of bird images at

As well as others from the nature category.

--- Ron Green <rongreen@charter.net> wrote:

> Once again, nice shots Linda. Keep it up.
> Ron Green
> http://www.greensphotoimages.com/gallery
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Linda Krueger 
>   To: 'MN Ornithologist Union Listserve' 
>   Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:01 PM
>   Subject: [mou] Photo web site update
>   For those interested, I updated my photo web site today
> with photos of:  Pigeons, Ring-neck Pheasant, Grey
> Catbird, female Ruby-thorated Hummingbird perched, Cedar
> Waxwing, Sharp-shinned Hawk (from Hawks Ridge in Duluth),
> Cooper's Hawk (in our yard), Northern Flicker, Wilson's
> Snipe, Trumpeteer Swan, Mute Swan, Quaker Parrot, White
> Pelicans, Northern Harrier (from Hawks Ridge in Duluth),
> and Barred Owl (from Raptor Center).  I also added to the
> "Landscape & Wildlife" link, photos of a dragonfly and a
> baby deer eating leaves off a tree.
>   Linda Krueger
>   Visit my photo web site at:
>   www.tc.umn.edu/~lkrueger
>   Come back often and enjoy!

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