[mou] About that Sabine's gull . . .

Val/Roger writers2@comcast.net
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 10:00:17 -0500

Ok, gang:
As an old wildlife rehabilitator, I have to give this one shot: this bird is
so obviously injured or ill, could someone from the Twin Cities who goes
down to see the gull try tossing a sheet or towel over it, then packing it
into a box with air holes and bringing it up to the Wildlife Rehab Center in
Roseville? Such an act will doubtless be good for that person's karma, which
is worth more than several more people viewing an injured, juvenile bird
that probably will die without intervention. Or even with intervention, but
at least an effort was made.
Val Cunningham
St. Paul, Minn.