[mou] Sabine's Gull

tnejbell@comcast.net tnejbell@comcast.net
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 23:10:41 +0000

This may be long and not good news. Elizabeth and I did see the Sabine's Gull flying just upstream from the Lock and Dam #2 in Hastings. We are not sure about the time, as neither of us had a watch. It was approximately 2 pm. We were standing on the lock observation platform. While watching the Sabine's Gull we observed quick evasive action and soon saw the persuer. It was dark, long, pointed wings and behaved like a Jaeger, and I will call it a Jaeger. We observed numerous dives by the Jaeger on the Sabine's Gull. Other gulls lifted off the locks, but we did not observe the Jaeger move on them.  The attack continued and the Sabine's Gull was forced down on the water where the Jaeger continued to attack.
    The Gull dissapeared from our view for a time, which would happen if it got too close to the lock structure. Continuing to look for the Gull, we again located it in the water above the dam close to where it was forced down. We observed the Gull flailing the water with its wings like it was trying to lift off the water, but was unable to do so. The distance from the platform to the Gull was at least 200 yards. 
    We again lost sight of the Gull and we waited around another 1/2 hour watching, but the Gull was not seen again. It could have been seen from the east side of the river, but we did not try. The Jaeger was not seen again after its attacks on the Gull in the water. With our spotting scope I watched the Jaeger when it was attacking at 20X. I could not see any extensions of central tail feathers. The bird was dark on both dorsal and ventral surfaces. Trailing edge of primaries looked darker. I did not see any large white patches on the undersides of the wings. 
   Dave and Marj Cahlander joined us on the lock platform, but after the Jaeger attack, but did see the Gull on the water. 
   Elizabeth and I drove to 180th Street marsh in Dakota County, no Ibis observed, but a Green Heron, 1 Common Snipe and 1 Rusty Blackbird. 

Tom & Elizabeth Bell
on Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Road South
Saint Paul Park MN 55071
651 459-4150