[mou] Redtail Hawk, Sandhill Cranes, and Mute Swans

esteb02@frontiernet.net esteb02@frontiernet.net
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:03:04 -0400


Call up the zoo at Oxbow Park and tell them that their Red-tail hawk is
in severe need of a beak trim. From the looks of it, by now, it is
probably having some difficulty eating.  I am a falconer and have had
Red-tails for over 30 years, plus I took care of education raptors for
20 years, so my opinion comes from first hand experience.

Steve Estebo

Quoting Ron Green <rongreen@charter.net>:

> I just posted images of some close-up shots of the Red-Tailed Hawk
> from the zoo at Oxbow Park and images from my trip back to Crex
> Meadows for some additional ones of the Mute Swans and Sandhill
> Cranes. With regards to the Sandhill, they are all over the place at
> Crex. In one field, it was filled with them. Quite a neat sight!
> http://www.greensphotoimages.com/gallery/spotlightimage
> Any feedback or comments are welcome. Hope you enjoy them.
> Ron Green