[mou] Possible Fairibault frigate

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 14:52:01 -0500

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Kim Eckert just called in to say he saw a possible frigatebird out of t=
corner of his eye while cruising down I-35 at milepost 62 near Faribaul=
He's doubled back to look for it and will keep the net posted. Keep you=
heads up in SC MN!  Bob Russell=

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<p>Kim Eckert just called in to say he saw a possible frigatebird out o=
f the corner of his eye while cruising down I-35 at milepost 62 near Fa=
ribault.  He's doubled back to look for it and will keep the net posted=
. Keep your heads up in SC MN!  Bob Russell</body></html>=
