[mou] Stearns Co.

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 2 Apr 2006 14:46:04 -0500

I spent yesterday (Saturday) at the Stearns Boy Scout Camp near Fairhaven in 
the southeast corner of Stearns Co.  Found at least 34 species including:

House Wren
Vesper Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Juncos (200+)
Woodcock (at least 7 displaying)
Screech Owl
Sand Hill Cranes (calling)
Common Mergansers (displaying!)
Common Loon (1 calling softly as it flew overhead; 1 calling loadly and then 
flying overhead)
Canvassback (nearby)
Tundra Swans (3 flocks  plus more heard)
Northern Flicker
Coopers Hawk

Also, home in Eagan, we had a pair of Hooded Merganser checking out the Wood 
Duck houses.  Hopefully they will nest again this year.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN