[mou] Easter in Beltrami County

Larson Kelly northernflights@charter.net
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:10:59 -0500

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The store had it's first ever Bird Walk on Easter Sunday morning.  
Eight participants enjoyed the Lake Bemidji lakefront and later,  
several small wetlands near town. We had 32 species during the two  
hour outing. Highlights included newly arrived Tree Swallows at the  
inlet and great looks at a Red-necked Grebe and a patient A. Kestrel.  
Osprey are back so we went to look at a nest built very near the road  
close to Little Wolf Lake. Both birds were in the nest arranging  
nesting material. One left and returned with large branch. We didn't  
stay long, not wanting our presence to disrupt their activity.

The second half of the day brought a few more birds as Carl & I  
canoed down the Turtle River for a picnic. Belted Kingfishers  
courting, B. Eagles hunting the bends, Wood Ducks and RW Blackbirds.  
Heard Wilson Snipe and American Bittern. Most exciting were the  
Hepatica blooming in the oak woods were we stopped for lunch. The  
forest floor was sprinkled with tiny purple, lavender and white  
blossoms! (I think I saw a rabbit disappear over the hill just as we  
pulled ashore) In lowland woods the small mounds of new leaves I  
investigated turned out to be clusters of Marsh Marigold!

We topped off the day with Ice Cream and Sewage Ponds in Blackduck.  
The ponds held a few RB Gulls, a dozen Canada Geese and a nice  
assortment of ducks. Present were:
American Widgeon
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Common Goldeneye
(no Black Ducks in Blackduck)

Kelly Larson
Bemidji Minnesota

Northern Flights Wild Bird Store
Just 96 miles from the Canadian border!
Or visit us on the Web at...

Eschew Obfuscation!
The middle of Nowhere is Somewhere!

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<HTML><BODY style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; =
-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; ">The store had it's first ever =
Bird Walk on Easter Sunday morning. Eight participants enjoyed the Lake =
Bemidji=A0lakefront and later, several small wetlands near town. We had =
32 species during the two hour outing. Highlights included newly arrived =
Tree Swallows at the inlet and great looks at a Red-necked Grebe and a =
patient A. Kestrel. Osprey are back so we went to look at a nest built =
very near the road close to Little Wolf Lake. Both birds were in the =
nest arranging nesting material. One left and returned with large =
branch. We didn't stay long, not wanting our presence to=A0disrupt their =
activity.<DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>The =
second half of the day brought a few more birds as Carl &amp; I canoed =
down the Turtle River for a picnic. Belted Kingfishers courting, B. =
Eagles hunting the bends, Wood Ducks and RW Blackbirds. Heard Wilson =
Snipe and American Bittern. Most exciting were the Hepatica blooming in =
the oak woods were we stopped for lunch. The forest floor was sprinkled =
with tiny purple,=A0lavender and white blossoms! (I think I saw a =
rabbit=A0disappear over the hill just as we pulled ashore) In lowland =
woods the small mounds of new leaves I investigated turned out to be =
clusters of Marsh Marigold!</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>We topped off the day with =
Ice Cream and Sewage Ponds in Blackduck. The ponds held a few RB Gulls, =
a dozen Canada Geese and a nice assortment of ducks. Present =
were:</DIV><DIV>American =
Widgeon</DIV><DIV>Mallard</DIV><DIV>Green-winged =
Teal</DIV><DIV>Ring-necked Duck</DIV><DIV>Greater Scaup</DIV><DIV>Lesser =
Scaup</DIV><DIV>Bufflehead</DIV><DIV>Common Goldeneye</DIV><DIV>(no =
Black Ducks in Blackduck)</DIV><DIV><DIV><DIV><SPAN =
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white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Kelly =
Larson</DIV><DIV>Bemidji Minnesota</DIV><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV>Northern Flights Wild Bird =
Store</DIV><DIV>Just 96 miles from the Canadian border!</DIV><DIV>Or =
visit us on the Web at...</DIV><DIV><A =
A></DIV><DIV><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#4A2FFF"><SPAN =
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class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(74, 47, 255); "><SPAN =
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rgb(255, 73, 52); "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: =
rgb(255, 73, 52); ">The middle of Nowhere =
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