[mou] Baptism R. etc. Lake Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:22:30 -0500

Yesterday we drove to Finland, then went east on Lake Co. #7, which follows
the Baptism River for several miles.  Along this stretch we found one Common
Loon, about a dozen Ring-necked ducks, 2 male Common Mergansers, one male
Wood Duck, one male Kingfisher, and along the road numerous Com. Flickers,
Black-cap. Chickadees, Juncos and a few Grackles.  (Grackles invaded our
feeders Saturday, although we had seen one or two the previous week)
Further east along Nine Mile Creek, then on small Cramer Lake were more
Ring-necks, especially at Cramer L., which had at least 30, plus two pair of
Buffleheads and two pair of Com. Goldeneyes, 25 Canada Geese.  The west end
of this lake still had some ice.  We turned right on Lake Co. 8 at Cramer
(just a few cabins at this corner) and headed home.  All along this road
were Flickers, juncos, a few Robins, occasional Song Sparrow, but no other
land birds.  Lake Co. 8 becomes Cook Co. 1 at the county line, and becomes
darn near impassable a mile or so further on - lots of frost boils and a
place where a truck got stuck trying to dodge one of these, and everything
is rutted and torn up.  No problem with a pickup or other higher vehicle,
but we scraped bottom with our van.  From Hansen's gravel pit eastward the
road is fine.  We came south on Sugarloaf Rd. which goes past a couple
wetlands, where we had 3 male Mallards, lots of moose tracks, and one Ruffed
Grouse along the road.  When we got home, we found 3 Purple Finches at the
feeder, plus lots of juncos, one very feisty Tree Sparrow who chases any
junco who it thinks is too close, one male Red-winged Blackbird, assorted
Grackles, and one Flicker.  So far we have seen only one Fox Sparrow - in
our yard on April 4, but at least he sang for us!  And still no
White-throats.  Pine Siskins still here.  Big lake is very rough, hard to
spot any ducks there, although we had a few Red-breasted Mergansers last

Jim & Carol Tveekrem