[mou] Carolina Wren-Olmsted Cty, Swainson's Hawk - Fillmore Cty

Paul Pedersen ppedersen6@charter.net
Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:48:21 -0500

There is a Carolina Wren singing upstream from the parking area at the
end of Old Valley Road. You can usually hear Red-shouldered Hawks and
sometimes Winter Wrens from this same location. I wouldn't venture any
further than the path that leads straight ahead to the river because
of the sensitivity of the landowners upstream and downstream. Old
Valley Road is the next road west of the Izaak Walton Wetlands on
Salem Road southwest of Rochester -see link to Bob E's map:


Also, I sent an e-mail on Saturday that never came through on the
listserves. There was a Swainson's Hawk in NW Fillmore County just
south of Spring Valley on Saturday morning.

Paul Pedersen
Rochester, MN