[mou] Weekend/Douglas County

Mon, 17 Apr 2006 17:47:37 EDT

    Found a Winter Wren on my property in Douglas County (I was actually 
looking for one for my county list.) I'm drawing down one of my beaver ponds and 
there were 13 Greater Yellowlegs and about 75 waterfowl present (including 
first farm Pintails.) Lake Osakis had scores (perhaps hundreds) of Western Grebes 
already and a few Red-Necked Grebes. Lake Christina had NO W. Grebes at all. 
The Pelican Lake Rookery had several thousand Herons present (some white, some 
blue). There is no foliage yet but its a long ways to look without a boat. 
There is an Eagle on nest at the W. end of Lake Aaron. Saw a N. Harrier doing 
loops in the wind on Sunday including going fully upside down before flipping 
back around. It was fun just to watch it.

    John Ellis, St. Paul...April 17, '06