[mou] Crane Count Today

Clay Christensen clay.christensen@comcast.net
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 15:30:34 +0000

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I participated in the ICF Crane Count for Ramsey County today, Saturday, 4/22, and had one of the most remarkable mornings of my birding "career."

My count site was Poplar Lake. I observed from Sherwood Road, just south of Ramsey Co. Road J, across from the county compost site.

I heard sandhill cranes from 5:35 a.m. till 7:18 a.m. (count ended at 7:30 a.m.). They were doing the Unison call, which suggests a breeding pair. Great news!

Other birds of note:
Many woodcocks calling and whirring before dawn.
Northern goshawk
Pair of osprey on the breeding platform, once harassed by a third osprey.
Loons (2), calling in flight.
Turkeys, including one tom perched in the top of a tree for the first hour.

An excellent morning,

Clay Christensen
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<DIV>I participated in the ICF Crane Count for Ramsey County today, Saturday, 4/22, and had one of the most remarkable mornings of my birding "career."</DIV>
<DIV>My count site was Poplar Lake. I observed from Sherwood Road, just south of Ramsey Co. Road J, across from the county compost site.</DIV>
<DIV>I heard sandhill cranes from 5:35 a.m. till 7:18 a.m. (count ended at 7:30 a.m.). They were doing the Unison call, which suggests a breeding pair. Great news!</DIV>
<DIV>Other birds of note:</DIV>
<DIV>Many woodcocks calling and whirring before dawn.</DIV>
<DIV>Northern goshawk</DIV>
<DIV>Pair of osprey on the breeding platform, once harassed by a third osprey.</DIV>
<DIV>Loons (2), calling in flight.</DIV>
<DIV>Turkeys, including one tom perched in the top of a tree for the first hour.</DIV>
<DIV>An excellent morning,</DIV>
<DIV>Clay Christensen</DIV></body></html>
