[mou] Henslows Sparrow-Blue Earth

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sat, 22 Apr 2006 21:36:14 -0500

Had a Henslow's Sparrow on the Seppman Mill road this AM, west of the
campground in Minneopa State Park, Blue Earth County.  We believe that this
is a first Minneopa record.

Also of interest is that all the lakes that are in drawdown for this summer
are at this time too high to have any mud flats or shorebirds.  Swan Lake
(Nicollet County) seems to be down a foot or two but that has not brought
the water lower than the cattails.  Rice Lake (Blue Earth) was showing a
little mud outside the vegetation on the south end but very little at this
point.  This lake is going to be very hard to see any shorebirds on.  The
WMA on the southwest side of the lake is a half mile of cattails to walk
through to reach the water area.  Not really possible.  Best bet is to knock
on one of the homeowners doors on Cty Rd 28 and see if they will let you
walk through their property to reach the lake/mud.  That is for later this
spring or summer.

Goose Lake (Waseca) has water levels that are up past the cattails at this
point and looks to have some distance to go before reaching mud.

The best thing about Waseca County was the Saw-whet Owl in Courthouse Park
this PM.  Otherwise the birding was slow for us as others have been pointing
out.  We all really try and rush spring along faster than it wants to go.
Some interesting birds but not very many.

Dennis and Barbara Martin