[mou] Possible Gyr, Aitkin County
Pastor Al Schirmacher
Sun, 23 Apr 2006 07:42:52 -0500
Spent the morning yesterday in Aitkin County - interesting mix of spring
migrants and boreal birds (just short of 70 total).
Along so-called "Pietz" Road off Aitkin CR 18 observed a dark brown raptor
in a tree - not an unusual phenomenon except, the more I observed it, the
more I thought of the dark brown morph Gyrfalcon (a ringer for the Sibley
illustration). The initial impression was buteo, than falcon - the head,
body and tail were a very consistent dark brown - only some very light tail
bands broke up the effect. Unfortunately the bird only faced two directions
during my observation of it at 20 yards - 90 & 180 degrees - so have no
observations of chest or abdomen. The head was particularly distinctive, or
perhaps distinctive because it wasn't - no eyelines, coloration changes,
caps or other observable differences.
In addition the habitat bothered me a bit for a Gyr. I think of them over
open fields, or pestering pigeons in Duluth/Superior among grain elevators -
but on the edge of a woods 70+ yards from open fields (closest would be the
Pietz farm)?
Commentary welcome - since this is only my third potential observation of a
Gyrfalcon, and frankly have discounted the first two from my records.
Other than this bird, only new year birds were four Bonapartes on Mille Lacs
Lake while heading north. Horned Grebes have taken over the west side of
the lake, however.
Good birding to all!
Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties