[mou] Feeding Robins

Jim Barrett jwbarrett10@msn.com
Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:26:56 -0500

At this time of year (i.e., pre-earthworm) I regularly see AR's eating seeds 
and suet.  In fact, they seem to key in to the activity of other feeder 
birds.  When finches come to the sunflower feeders the robins fly in to 
scavenge the bits of seed that are dropped.  Same  with the suet feeders:  
whenever woodpeckers come to feed the robins immediately station themselves 
below the feeders and eat bits of dropped suet.  In fact, they often fly up 
to the suet feeders and eat directly from them (I've seen the same behavior 
from Baltimore Orioles and Scarlet Tanagers).

From: "George Reindl" <lightfang@hotmail.com>
To: mnbird@lists.mnbird.net, mou-net@cbs.umn.edu
Subject: [mou] Feeding Robins
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:10:58 -0500

Well when I saw it, I called my good friend Dave Bartkey, He was at a loss 
too.  I was sitting on my couch and noticed the Orange breast of a robin 
sitting on my window feeder.  After a quick double take, to make sure I was 
really seeing a robin, I tried to get closer to see what it was eating, but 
it flew.  That was yesterday, and now today, it was back twice.
Thinking it was a fluke, I didn't report anything the frist time. But now???

I did look through the food and found no insects, fruit or berries.

Has anyone else had Robins eating seed out of their feeders?  Or can anyone 
tell me if this is common, strange, or whatever?


George Reindl

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