[mou] Questions; Area Summary

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Fri, 4 Aug 2006 13:32:16 -0500


Nathan and I are hoping to head to Murphy-Hanrehan & Jirik Sod Farms 
tomorrow (four state bird possibilities for him).  We have not yet been to 
either location (shame on us).

We will be heading down 169 to 94.  Couple of questions:

* Is there a "best route" from 94 to the Murphy Hanrehan 175th & Natchez 

* Is there a good route from Murphy-Hanrehan to Jirik that does not involve 
backtracking to 94?

We do have Internet maps (which are dependable 50% of the time), as well as 
park directions - which, unfortunately, are from 35W (not our best option 
coming from Princeton).

Thanks for any assistance.

Sherburne/Mille Lacs/Benton County Summary (for the last week, Saturday to 

* 107 species
* 12 shorebirds (including last Saturday's Willet)
* 9 raptors (including Osprey, Sharp-shinned, Broad-winged)
* 7 flycatchers
* 7 warblers (had to work for each; included a rather "chummy" 
Golden-winged/Blue-winged probable couple)
* 8 sparrows (including a surprise Lincoln's in northern Mille Lacs; this is 
down from much of the summer)
* Song has diminished heavily.  Only one Dickcissel for the week (had been 
up to 18).  Only one Purple Martin along Mille Lacs this morning.  Did not 
re-find Summer Tanager on Blue Hill.  Trumpeter Swans (5 couples) very 
obvious in Sherburne NWR.  Sparrows have become harder finds (Lark still 
present).  Had Purple & House Finches at same southern MIlle Lacs feeder. 
Feel free to ask for further information.

Good birding to all!

Al (and Nathan) Schirmacher