[mou] Slaty-backed gull at Grand Marais

Steve & Jo Blanich blanich@emily.net
Sun, 6 Aug 2006 08:17:01 -0500

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Steve & Jo Blanich, Warren Nelson & Bill Stauffer saw the Slaty-backed =
gull in Grand Marais Saturday, August 5th, on the beach beteween the =
East Bay & Shorelinehotels, from 11 to 12 noon.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Steve &amp; Jo Blanich, Warren Nelson =
&amp; Bill=20
Stauffer saw the Slaty-backed gull in Grand Marais Saturday, August 5th, =
on the=20
beach beteween the East Bay &amp; Shorelinehotels, from 11 to 12=20
