[mou] Hennepin County-Merganser in Summer?

Diana Doyle diana@semi-local.com
Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:47:14 -0500

Last night I again spotted a single merganser at Lock & Dam #1 in 
Minneapolis/St. Paul. I believe it is a common merganser (non-breeding 
male?) based on the contrast between head and breast and other field 
marks I've noted over the few times I've seen the bird.

I first spotted a lone merganser at the same site on June 13th and 
afterward when I went to see the Peregrines. I haven't been back for a 
few weeks, so was surprised to see it now in late August at the same 

According the the MOU occurrence maps, neither common mergansers (nor 
red-breasteds) are this far south during the summer. Janssen's book 
reports June 15th as late for the spring migration and October 2 as the 
earliest fall arrival.

Have other local birders seen this merganser and can confirm it's a 
common merganser?

Is it unusual to have a merganser in Hennepin County through the summer 


Diana Doyle
Hennepin County