[mou] Winona & Houston Cos. Sat. A.M. Aug. 19, 2006

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Sat, 19 Aug 2006 13:20:58 -0700 (PDT)

Peregrine Falcon--1--Perched on a snag protruding from
                     the first bluff north of L&D 7 at
                     Dresbach, Winona Co. View best
                     the parking lot at the Lock & Dam
                     7 parking lot. Access L&D 7 from
                     westbound south of Dresbach, or
                     61 northbound out of LaCrescent.
Sandhill Cranes--3-- Two adults, one colt. Hwy 26 
                     Houston Co. west side,  
                     pasture just south of junction,  
                     Hwys. 26 & 16.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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