[mou] Gulls, Black Dog

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 2 Dec 2006 19:10:55 -0600

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Dec. 2, 2006 
Black Dog Lake (east lake)

The ice-man cometh and I saw my first white-winged gulls for the season. From the power plant I estimated a maximum of 2500 gulls. Mostly Herring and Ring-billed, of course, but also:

Four Glaucous Gulls:

-Adult w/ dusky head
- probable 3rd winter (based on amount of gray feathers in mantle and 2-toned bill)
-2nd winter (pure white w/ 2-toned bill and no duskiness visible)
-1st winter (nicely patterned dusky bird w/ 2-toned bill)

One well patterned, classic 1st winter Iceland Gull (Kumlien's) about 3/5ths size of Herring Gulls.

Also, another 1st or 2nd cycle white-winged gull at long distance that was size of smallest Herring Gulls but appeared to have an all dark bill and somewhat angular head. Possibly another Glaucous.

At least 3 adult Thayer's Gulls, but no immatures (and I looked over many dark gulls). I tended to not look very hard for this species, but my gut tells me there were several present.

I saw no dark mantled gulls. 

The gulls were pouring in when I left at 5:00pm, so no telling what other gems are out there. Did I mention it was cold?

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<DIV>Dec. 2, 2006 </DIV>
<DIV>Black Dog Lake (east lake)</DIV>
<DIV>The ice-man cometh and I saw my first white-winged gulls for the season. From the power plant I estimated a maximum of 2500 gulls. Mostly Herring and Ring-billed, of course, but also:</DIV>
<DIV>Four <STRONG>Glaucous Gulls:</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>-Adult w/ dusky head</DIV>
<DIV>-&nbsp;probable 3rd winter (based on amount of gray feathers in mantle and 2-toned bill)</DIV>
<DIV>-2nd winter (pure white w/ 2-toned bill and no duskiness visible)</DIV>
<DIV>-1st winter (nicely patterned dusky bird w/ 2-toned bill)</DIV>
<DIV>One well patterned, classic&nbsp;1st winter <STRONG>Iceland Gull</STRONG> (Kumlien's) about 3/5ths size of Herring Gulls.</DIV>
<DIV>Also,&nbsp;another 1st or 2nd cycle white-winged gull at long distance that was size of smallest Herring Gulls but appeared to have an all dark bill and somewhat angular head. Possibly another Glaucous.</DIV>
<DIV>At least 3 adult <STRONG>Thayer's Gulls</STRONG>, but no immatures (and I looked over many dark gulls). I tended to not look very hard for this species, but my gut tells me there were several present.</DIV>
<DIV>I saw no dark mantled gulls. </DIV>
<DIV>The gulls were pouring in when I left at 5:00pm, so no telling what other gems are out there. Did I mention it was cold?</DIV>