[mou] N.MN birds

audrey lynn alynneretired@yahoo.com
Tue, 5 Dec 2006 14:07:16 -0800 (PST)

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I had a group of Red Crossbills at the Floe Plant in Hoyt Lakes on Dec. 2nd. and got some pictures. Just about 15 minutes ago I had a beautiful male Cardinal at my feeders. A new yard bird for me. I have a small flock of Pine grosbeaks and about 12-20 Evening grosbeaks and lots of Pine siskins, but no redpolls at my feeders yet. There is a flock of about a dozen Common redpolls at our Fisherman's Point area in town. Until today at Nancy Jackson's feeders in Hoyt Lakes she has had a White th. Sp. and a Fox Sp. Our Aurora, Hoyt Lakes, Biwabik Christmas Count will be held on Dec 30th.
  Audrey L. Evers

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<div>I had a group of Red Crossbills at the Floe Plant in Hoyt Lakes on Dec. 2nd. and got some pictures. Just about 15 minutes ago I had a beautiful male Cardinal at my feeders. A new yard bird for me. I have a small flock of Pine grosbeaks and about 12-20 Evening grosbeaks and lots of Pine siskins, but no redpolls at my feeders yet. There is a flock of about a dozen Common redpolls at our Fisherman's Point area in town. Until today at Nancy Jackson's feeders in Hoyt Lakes she has had a White th. Sp. and a Fox Sp. Our Aurora, Hoyt Lakes, Biwabik Christmas Count will be held on Dec 30th.</div>  <div>Audrey L. Evers</div><p>&#32;

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