[mou] Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch - Update - December 19, 2006

BirdBill5@aol.com BirdBill5@aol.com
Tue, 19 Dec 2006 20:25:16 EST

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Jim Eikenberry and I arrived at the site of the Gray Crowned Rosy Finches at 
11:30 and by 11:45 observed all 3 on the ground, one of which danced on the 
hood of a car. At one point all 3 took off in flight but were joined by 2 other 
birds of the same size, shape, and coloration, making a total of five possible 
Gray Crowned Finches. If other observers have the time please check to see if 
there is in fact five Gray Crowned Rosy Finches.

Bill George

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<DIV>Jim Eikenberry and I arrived at the site of the Gray Crowned Rosy Finch=
es at 11:30 and by 11:45 observed all 3 on the ground, one of which danced o=
n the hood of a car. At one point all 3 took off in flight but were joined b=
y 2 other birds of the same size, shape, and coloration, making a total of f=
ive possible Gray Crowned Finches. If other observers have the time please c=
heck to see if there is in fact five Gray Crowned Rosy Finches.</DIV>
<DIV>Bill George</DIV></BODY></HTML>
