[mou] Fargo/Moorhead CBC

robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu
Tue, 19 Dec 2006 18:08:17 -0600 (CST)


These are the results for this year's Fargo/Moorhead Christmas Bird Count.

Bob O'Connor
Moorhead, MN

70th Fargo-Moorhead Christmas Bird Count--December 16, 2006

Snow Conditions--Scattered thin patches; mostly bare ground
Temperature--30 to 38 degrees fahrenheit
Sky--Overcast to sunny
Winds--Calm to N @ 15 MPH
Participants--19 in 9 parties (MN--8 in 3 parties) (ND--10 in 6 parties)
Total Species--48 (MN--41 [plus 2 cw]) (ND--32 [plus 2 cw])
Total Individuals--14,358 (MN--6166) (ND--8192)

Species--Total Individuals--MN Total--ND Total

Canada Goose--4285--3733--552 [highest total]
Mallard--1579--1000--579 [highest total]
Common Goldeneye--2--2--0 [8th time for the count]
American Black Duck--1--1--0 [1st time for the count]
Northern Pintail--1--1--0 [4th time for the count]
American Coot--4--4--0 [ist time for the count]
Bald Eagle--5--1 (immature)--4 (adults) [2 at a ND nest]
Cooper’s Hawk--3--3--0 [3rd time for count; highest total]
Red-tailed Hawk--1--1--0
Rough-legged Hawk--1--0--1
American Kestrel--4--2--2
Gray Partridge--13--0--13
Wild Turkey--36--36--0 [highest total]
Rock Dove--831--191--640
Mourning Dove--cw--0--cw
Eurasian Collared Dove--6--6--0 [1st time for the count]
Great Horned Owl--3--1--2
Red-headed Woodpecker--1--1--0 [3rd time for the count]
Red-bellied Woodpecker--4--3--1
Downy Woodpecker--61--28--33
Hairy Woodpecker--39--14--25
Northern Flicker--6--1--5
Pileated Woodpecker--5--3--2
Gray Jay--1--1--0 [3rd time for the count]
Blue Jay--43--21--22
American Crow--485--97--388
Black-capped Chickadee--208--95--113
Red-breasted Nuthatch--1--1--0
White-breasted Nuthatch--108--49--59
Brown Creeper--13--5--8
American Robin--39--14--25
Brown Thrasher--1--0--1 [5th time for the count]
Bohemian Waxwing--cw--cw--0
Cedar Waxwing--20--13--7
Northern Shrike--3--3--0
European Starling--4470--132--4338 [highest total]
Northern Cardinal--2--1--1
American Tree Sparrow--1--1--0
White-throated Sparrow--cw--0--cw
Harris’s Sparrow--1--1--0
Dark-eyed Junco--163--65--98
Lapland Longspur--12--0--12
Snow Bunting--296--246--50
Red-winged Blackbird--16--0--16
Common Grackle--3--3--0
Purple Finch--1--0--1
House Finch--84--42--42
Common Redpoll--62--50--12
American Goldfinch--25--15--10
House Sparrow--1409--276--1133