[mou] Duluth RBA 12/21/06

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Thu, 21 Dec 2006 15:17:23 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

*Duluth/North Shore
*December 21, 2006

-Birds mentioned
Ring-necked Duck
Harlequin Duck
White-winged Scoter
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Wild Turkey
American Coot
Thayer's Gull
Glaucous Gull
Great Gray Owl
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Black-backed Woodpecker
Gray Jay
Boreal Chickadee
Varied Thrush
Pine Warbler
Northern Cardinal
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: December 21, 2006
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 834-2858
Compiler: Jim Lind (jslind@frontiernet.net)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, December 21st, 2006
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

Several interesting sightings were made during last weekend's Christmas
Bird Counts. The three GRAY-CROWNED ROSY-FINCHES at the Fond du Lac
Resource Management Division office just west of Cloquet put in an
appearance for the Carlton County CBC on the 17th. They have also been
seen as recently as the 20th. The count total of 35 species also

Thirty-two species were found during the Sax-Zim CBC on the 18th,
including a GREAT GRAY OWL on the Stickney Road (CR 207) about a half
mile north of the Arkola Road (CR 52), two AMERICAN THREE-TOED
WOODPECKERS (one along the Blue Spruce Road (CR 211) 0.5 mile north of
CR133), a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER along the Admiral Road (CR 788) 1.8
miles north of CR 207, and six SHARP-TAILED GROUSE at the junction of CR
7 and the Sax Rd (CR 28).

The Virginia CBC on the 16th turned up a GREAT GRAY OWL on the Clyde
Road (CR 810) south of Gilbert, RING-NECKED DUCK and AMERICAN COOTS on
Silver Lake, BELTED KINGFISHER at Manganika Creek, and a RED-BELLIED
WOODPECKER at 4413 Spirit Lake Road (CR 661) in Mountain Iron.

Some of the highlights from the Duluth CBC on the 16th included two
at 5198 Greenwood Lane, two TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRES (one at Allendale Ave.
and Osakis St., and another at the Park Point bus turnaround), a VARIED
THRUSH at 1807 McFarlane Road, and a PINE WARBLER at 5280 Greenwood
Lane. A late report of a male BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER at Hartley Park
puts the Duluth CBC total at 69 species.

Highlights from the Two Harbors CBC included WHITE-WINGED SCOTER at
Burlington Bay, two AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS (one at Lighthouse
Point and one at 4th Ave. and 3rd St.), BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS at
three locations, BOREAL CHICKADEES at Stoney Point, Tom's Logging Camp,
and Kendall Road in Knife River, and a TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE at 8th Ave.
and 18th St.

Kim and Cindy Risen had several interesting sightings from the Hedbom
Forest Road in northeastern Aitkin County on the 16th. They had two
The Hedbom Forest Road can be reached from the west from Aitkin CR 65,
or from the east from St. Louis County Road 837, west of Floodwood. Kim
and Cindy also relocated four BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS and an AMERICAN
THREE-TOED WOODPECKER along Aitkin CR 3, five miles west of CR 1.

The first official Fredenberg Township Christmas Bird Count will be held
on Saturday, December 30, 2006. Anyone interested should contact
compiler Celeste Kawulok at (218) 591-6076 or by e-mail at

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, December

The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858.
Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us
at mou@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"


*Duluth/North Shore
*December 21, 2006

-Birds mentioned
<LI>Ring-necked Duck
<LI>Harlequin Duck
<LI>White-winged Scoter
<LI>Sharp-tailed Grouse
<LI>Wild Turkey
<LI>American Coot
<LI>Thayer's Gull
<LI>Glaucous Gull
<LI>Great Gray Owl
<LI>Belted Kingfisher
<LI>Red-bellied Woodpecker
<LI>American Three-toed Woodpecker
<LI>Black-backed Woodpecker
<LI>Gray Jay
<LI>Boreal Chickadee
<LI>Varied Thrush
<LI>Pine Warbler
<LI>Northern Cardinal
<LI>Common Redpoll
<LI>Hoary Redpoll
<strong>Hotline:</strong> Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore<br>
<strong>Date:</strong> December 21, 2006<br>
<strong>Sponsor:</strong> Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)<br>
<strong>Reports:</strong> (218) 834-2858<br>
<strong>Compiler:</strong> Jim Lind (jslind@frontiernet.net)<br>
This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, December 21st, 2006 sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
Several interesting sightings were made during last weekend's Christmas Bird Counts. The three <B style="color: #0057ad">GRAY-CROWNED ROSY-FINCHES</B> at the Fond du Lac Resource Management Division office just west of Cloquet put in an appearance for the Carlton County CBC on the 17th. They have also been seen as recently as the 20th. The count total of 35 species also included <B style="color: #0057ad">RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER, WILD</B> <B style="color: #0057ad">TURKEY, NORTHERN CARDINAL,</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">GRAY JAYS.</B>
Thirty-two species were found during the Sax-Zim CBC on the 18th, including a <B style="color: #0057ad">GREAT GRAY OWL</B> on the Stickney Road (CR 207) about a half mile north of the Arkola Road (CR 52), two <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS</B> (one along the Blue Spruce Road (CR 211) 0.5 mile north of CR133), a <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER</B> along the Admiral Road (CR 788) 1.8 miles north of CR 207, and six <B style="color: #0057ad">SHARP-TAILED GROUSE</B> at the junction of CR 7 and the Sax Rd (CR 28).
The Virginia CBC on the 16th turned up a <B style="color: #0057ad">GREAT GRAY OWL</B> on the Clyde Road (CR 810) south of Gilbert, <B style="color: #0057ad">RING-NECKED DUCK</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN COOTS</B> on Silver Lake, <B style="color: #0057ad">BELTED KINGFISHER</B> at Manganika Creek, and a <B style="color: #0057ad">RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER</B> at 4413 Spirit Lake Road (CR 661) in Mountain Iron.
Some of the highlights from the Duluth CBC on the 16th included two <B style="color: #0057ad">HARLEQUIN DUCKS</B> and two <B style="color: #0057ad">WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS</B> in the Duluth Harbor, <B style="color: #0057ad">THAYER'S GULL</B> and <B style="color: #0057ad">GLAUCOUS GULL</B> at Canal Park, a <B style="color: #0057ad">RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER</B> at 5198 Greenwood Lane, two TOWNSEND’S <B style="color: #0057ad">SOLITAIRES</B> (one at Allendale Ave. and Osakis St., and another at the Park Point bus turnaround), a <B style="color: #0057ad">VARIED THRUSH</B> at 1807 McFarlane Road, and a <B style="color: #0057ad">PINE WARBLER</B> at 5280 Greenwood Lane. A late report of a male <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER</B> at Hartley Park puts the Duluth CBC total at 69 species.
Highlights from the Two Harbors CBC included <B style="color: #0057ad">WHITE-WINGED SCOTER</B> at Burlington Bay, two <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS</B> (one at Lighthouse Point and one at 4th Ave. and 3rd St.), <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS</B> at three locations, <B style="color: #0057ad">BOREAL CHICKADEES</B> at Stoney Point, Tom's Logging Camp, and Kendall Road in Knife River, and a TOWNSEND’S <B style="color: #0057ad">SOLITAIRE</B> at 8th Ave. and 18th St.
Kim and Cindy Risen had several interesting sightings from the Hedbom Forest Road in northeastern Aitkin County on the 16th. They had two <B style="color: #0057ad">GREAT GRAY OWLS,</B> five <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS,</B> two <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKERS,</B> and two <B style="color: #0057ad">HOARY REDPOLLS</B> among more than 500 <B style="color: #0057ad">COMMON REDPOLLS.</B> The Hedbom Forest Road can be reached from the west from Aitkin CR 65, or from the east from St. Louis County Road 837, west of Floodwood. Kim and Cindy also relocated four <B style="color: #0057ad">BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS</B> and an <B style="color: #0057ad">AMERICAN THREE-TOED WOODPECKER</B> along Aitkin CR 3, five miles west of CR 1.
The first official Fredenberg Township Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 30, 2006. Anyone interested should contact compiler Celeste Kawulok at (218) 591-6076 or by e-mail at ckawulok@cloquet.k12.mn.us.
The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, December 28th.
The telephone number of the Duluth Rare Bird Alert is 218-834-2858. Information about bird sightings may be left following the recorded message.
The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum, e-mail us at mou@moumn.org, or visit the MOU web site at moumn.org.
