[mou] robins eating minnows

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sat, 23 Dec 2006 17:33:57 -0600

A flock of about 18 American Robins frequently has been seen in and 
around Wayzata since late fall. Such a flock has been in our yard two 
or three times. Today, while buying a gift at a bait store in Wayzata, 
I found 17 robins perched in trees near the store or foraging on the 
ground beneath the trees. The foraging birds were eating dead minnows. 
Bait store employees toss dead minnows in that area on a daily basis, I 
was told. And the robins have been seen there routinlely since late 
fall, they said. Has anyone else ever observed robins eating fish?

Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota