[mou] Sax-Zim Bog & Duluth

chetmeyers@visi.com chetmeyers@visi.com
Thu, 2 Feb 2006 19:47:29 -0600

Chet Meyers writes:
Miriam and I spent two days in the bog and in and around Duluth and Hoyt Lakes. 
Birding was generally slow, but the long-tailed duck was in the shipping canal
this morning (you need to sort through a few hundred common goldeneyes) and the
hawk owl was seen (Feb. 2) along Stoney Lake Road in the Sax-Zim Bog. The other
normal "suspects" also were present; we did miss the black-backed woodpecker
(others saw it).  A delightful afternoon in Hoyt Lakes wih Nancy Jackson where,
thanks to her, we found lots of pine siskins, pine grosbeaks and redpolls.
Chet Meyers