[mou] Northern Hawk Owl -- near Little Marais, Lake County

Bruce W. Stahly bstahly@boreal.org
Fri, 17 Feb 2006 18:06:38 -0600

While driving down Highway 61 today (Friday, Feb. 17), going to the 
Sax-Zim bog to look for a Hawk Owl, my sharp-eyed birding friend Gordon 
Chastain from Indiana spotted a Northern Hawk Owl in a tree along the 
side of the  road. The bird was in a birch tree overlooking the road 
side, on the north side of the road, at about mile marker 66, just a bit 
north-east from the Little Marais river. We walked along the road and 
had quite a good look at it, despite the subzero temperature and wind 

No Hawk Owls were found by us in the bog today. We did see a 
Rough-legged Hawk along Stone Lake Rd, and some snow buntings along 
County Rd 7 and other places.

Bruce Stahly
Grand Marais