[mou] Koochiching & Itasca this weekend

shawn conrad dingermcduff@hotmail.com
Mon, 20 Feb 2006 15:32:08 -0600

Birded Itasca & Koochiching counties 2/18-2/20 w/John & Chris Hockema, Ben 
Fritchman, Jeff Stephenson, and Dedrick Benz.  We found 36 species 

Itasca County:

Common Redpoll - Grand Rapids, Effie, & CR 5
Pine Grosbeak - Cohasset, Effie, & CR 7
Pine Siskin - Grand Rapids, Effie, & Scenic SP
Northern Goshawk - CR 7, .2 mile N of CR 337
Northern Shrike - CR 434
Bohemian Waxwings - Cohasset
Ruffed Grouse - Alder Rd, Horseshoe Drive in Grand Rapids
Boreal Chickadee - at least 5 on Alder Rd, .1 mile N of Middle Creek
Northern Hawk Owl - 6 miles N of Deer River on Hwy 6
Gray Jay - CR 128
Northern Cardinal - Grand Rapids
Evening Grosbeak - Effie
Purple Finch - Effie, Cohasset, Grand Rapids

Koochiching County:

Three-toed Woodpecker - CR 13, 8 miles N of 71
Black-backed Woodpecker - CR 13, 9.5 miles N of 71
Spruce Grouse - CR 13, 6 miles N of 71
Boreal Chickadee - CR 13 10.7 miles N of 71, Toumey-Williams Rd 6 miles N of 
CR 30
Northern Shrike - CR 13
Gray Jay - CR 13, CR 32
Ruffed Grouse - Toumey-Williams Rd
Pine Grosbeak - several locations, most notably some huge feeder setups in 
Big Falls
Evening Grosbeak - feeders in Big Falls
Northern Hawk Owl - intersection of CR 22 & 71, a second on CR 32 6 miles W 
of 11
Common Redpoll - Toumey-Williams Rd, feeders in Big Falls
Hoary Redpoll - at least one at feeders in Big Falls
Red Crossbill - at least 12 in the pine plantation on Toumey-Williams Rd .2 
miles from where it intersects Pine Island Forest Rd
Northern Goshawk - Toumey-Williams Rd 5 miles N of 30
Pine Siskin - feeders in Big Falls
Black-billed Magpie - several locations including CR 13, CR 11, and 
International Falls
Great Gray Owl - on CR 30, 6.5 miles W of 71 and 2 near Hwy 6 south of Big 

The usual suspects were out in both counties including many Common Ravens 
and several Bald Eagles.  White-winged Crossbills seem to be nearly 
impossible this winter.

Shawn Conrad