[mou] MRVAC - South Eastern Minnesota - Field Trip Report - February 20, 2006

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan@msn.com
Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:57:12 -0600

February 20, 2006

Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
South Eastern Minnesota
Field Trip Report

12 - participants
38 - species observed or heard

Spent the day birding with a group in SE Minnesota on Monday.  Except for 
the wind, it was a very nice day to be out birding.  Horned Larks are back 
in large numbers throughout the four counties we were in, as well as smaller 
numbers of Lapland Longspurs observed in all four counties as well.  We 
ended our day at the Beaver Creek WMA in Fillmore County and were able to 
observe 6 Short Eared Owls.  We also went a mile West of the location where 
we observed at least 6 Rough-legged Hawks and several Red-tailed Hawks, 
hunting the fields on the West side of the road and along CR 26.  Here are 
some of the highlights from the trip.

Goodhue County = Goo
Olmsted County = Olm
Fillmore County = Fil
Houston County = Hou

@ Cackling Goose - Olm, Silver Lake - 8:20 - 8:40am - We were able to 
observe at least 4 Cackling Geese at Silver lake in Rochester.  It was nice 
because we
                   were able to get nice size comparisons with other Canada 
Geese and also Mallards.
@ Great Blue Heron - Hou - CR 5, 3/4 miles East of Jefferson Road - This 
bird was flushed from Winnebago Creek by some snowmobilers.
@ Rough-legged Hawk - Fil & Hou - We observed 12 Rough-legged Hawks in Six 
different locations spread throughout Houston and Fillmore counties.
@ Golden Eagle - Hou, 3:00 - 3:45pm, CR 5, Between 1 mile and 3/4 miles East 
of Jefferson Road - We were able to observe a sub adult (2nd or 3rd year) 
Golden Eagle as it soared over a bluff on the north side of CR 5.  The bird 
was observed in flight over the bluff for about 30 minutes, including some 
very nice looks through spotting scopes.  It was also interesting to watch 
as it interacted with a pair of Red-tailed Hawks that were also in the area.
@ American Kestrel - Fil & Hou - Five birds were observed in different 
locations spread out through the two counties.
@ Mourning Dove - Hou - CR 5
@ Short-eared Owl - Fil - 5:40 - 6:00pm - Beaver Creek WMA - To reach this 
location from Hwy. 63, go 1.9 miles West on CR 26, then approx. 3/4 of a 
mile South and look for a group of small Coniferous trees on the East side 
of the road with a parking lot.  The birds were observed coming over the 
Coniferous trees and then observed in flight over the field on the West side 
of the road.  We were able to observe the birds for about 20 minutes, 
including watching a pair fight over a small rodent that one had caught.
@ Red-headed Woodpecker - Olm
@ Tufted Titmouse - Fil - 11:00am - Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning 
Center - Coming to feeders at the center.
@ Brown Creeper - Fil - 11:00am - Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning 
Center - observed on trees near the Root River overlook.
@ Lapland Longspur - observed in numerous locations throughout the four 
county area.
@ Snow Bunting - Olm - CR 19, 1/4 mile North of Hwy 30.
@ Purple Finch - 11:00am - Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center - 
Coming to feeders at the center.

Craig Mandel - Minnetonka, MN