[mou] Today and tomorrow

Rick fholbrook@cableone.net
Sat, 25 Feb 2006 14:26:10 -0600

Bob Messersmith wrote:
> I am one of those silent non-expert birders Steve talked about; I 
> bird, read the list daily and volunteer to do my shift at the state 
> fair each year. I enjoy looking at birds. Plain and simple.
> When I read Mike's first message I felt he was over reacting by 
> threaten to quit as the trip organizer but respected his right to 
> petition the group to rectify what he believed was a injustice. The 
> threat was a little heavy but I also felt the e-mail must have been 
> written with emotion overcoming his common sense and people would 
> understand that and forgive him for being too passionate.
> As President, I am sure Mark has the right to terminate-ask for the 
> resignation - of any committee chair but I have to ask myself was that 
> the best way to handle this situation? Are we better off without Mike 
> then with him? I think not but that is my opinion as an outsider 
> looking in.
> As an outsider reading this list, I believe some of us take bird 
> watching way too seriously. This is a hobby to me and a form of 
> recreation. When people get hurt (emotionally or otherwise) over a 
> hobby, I think we have to think again about our priorities.
> I support Mark’s right to fire a committee chair but I do not believe 
> that was the proper course to take to take in this case.
> Bob
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Steve Morrison <mailto:SMORRISON@ucare.org>
>     *To:* MOU-Net <mailto:mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
>     *Sent:* Friday, February 24, 2006 10:04 AM
>     *Subject:* RE: [mou] Today and tomorrow
>     Mike doesn't know me but since this was all made public I feel
>     it's okay to comment. Ban me if you will.
>     Ok, yeah Mike probably overreacted by threatening to step down and
>     Mark Alt probably overreacted by delivering his ultimatum. I think
>     things could have been dealt with in a manner where the MOU didn't
>     lose a dedicated volunteer with some chutzpah and Mike didn't lose
>     one (I assume fun) outlet for his dedication to MN birding.
>     This got me to thinking about the MOU and my opinions concerning
>     it. As is the case with any organization It does some things well
>     and others not so well.
>     The good things include:
>         * The basic birding info and a superb website
>         * An overall good "rare" bird list serve (see below)
>         * Decent selection of field trips
>         * Good publications
>     The poor things include:
>         * Handling it's image ( sorry people it comes off as a rather
>           stodgy, corporate, elitist organization) Hey if I want to
>           worry about protocol all the time I can go to work.
>         * Being accepting of and encouraging non-expert birders (I've
>           heard people are reluctant to post as they are unsure of the
>           worthiness of their sighting).
>         * Being essentially a non-voice in the conservation arena-
>           (The MOU doesn't have to and doesn't even want to be another
>           Audubon but glorifying driving buku miles to see buku birds
>           in one year while being silent on so many other things
>           affecting MN birds is in my view ethically questionable)
>     So I am disappointed because I think the MOU lost a good
>     enthusiastic trip leader. I am also disappointed about the way
>     leadership allegedly handled things. The MOU isn't corporate
>     America and things would be better if people put things in
>     perspective, talked and patched things up.
>     Steve Morrison
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu
>     [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu] *On Behalf Of
>     *jbaumann@usfamily.net
>     *Sent:* Friday, February 24, 2006 8:31 AM
>     *To:* MOU-Net
>     *Subject:* Re: [mou] Today and tomorrow
>     I think BOTH of you are behaving rather childishly. If Mark is
>     threatened by Mike's threat, you are no different than two boys on
>     a playground - one blustering and one bullying - all because *they
>     can*.
>         ----- Original Message -----
>         *From:* Mike Hendrickson <mailto:smithville4@charter.net>
>         *To:* MOU-Net <mailto:mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
>         *Sent:* Friday, February 24, 2006 12:54 AM
>         *Subject:* [mou] Today and tomorrow
>         Today I stood up for a friend name Leo Lantz who was banned
>         from the MOU-Net listserv for an honest mistake he made. Leo
>         since been added back on the listserv and Leo credited me for
>         doing so. The MOU president Mark Alt called me this morning
>         and ask that I step down as the MOU field trip position
>         because I threaten to quit if Leo did not get apology and put
>         back on the listserv. I know that was immature of me in doing
>         so but I did not want to be part of an organization that
>         refuses to forgive people over simple mistakes such as the one
>         Leo committed. Leo nor should anyone be place on a moderator's
>         list because the poster accidentally sent a non bird topic to
>         the listserv.
>         I refused to quit and Mark gave me two options 1. go thru a
>         transition and step down quietly or 2) be immediately
>         released. I told Mark " I am not quitting". So Mark Alt told
>         me he is going to approach the MOU board an advise them to
>         remove me from my position. A few minutes ago Mark Alt told me
>         tonight he has basically removed me from my position and as
>         president he can do so - I guess.
>         So I am not the MOU field trip chairman anymore. Remember 3 or
>         4 years ago all the MOU trips I created and how happy everyone
>         was with these trips? All this was taken away from me because
>         I stood up for a friend. Some say I am to emotional or to
>         quick with my anger. Maybe they are right about that. I defend
>         my friends, I am not afraid to speak out on matters that mean
>         a lot to me such as the logging going on in Sax Zim Bog. I am
>         not afraid to speak out when others are spinning the truth. I
>         call a spade a spade when I see one! That is who I am. I got
>         some emails today encouraging me to hang in there and some
>         agreeing with me. I got an email from Rick Hoyme telling me to
>         "grow up". Maybe so but not defending a friend who made an
>         honest mistake and standing by doing nothing is more grown up?
>         Should I act childish and rant and rave to everyone about all
>         the logging going on in Sax Zim Bog or should act mature or "
>         grown up" and hush up about what is going up there?
>         What now?
>         The Lake Superior Pelagic Trips belong to me and I will
>         continue to run these trips. Mark Alt during our phone
>         conversation agree that if I get removed from the board these
>         trips are mind to run and to organized. All other trips are up
>         in the air and I think Al Shirmacher is going to replace me.
>         Al is a great guy and should do a great job for the MOU and I
>         ask that you all support him if he is asked by Mark Alt to
>         take that position. Mark was already talking to Al about field
>         trips after he phoned me and notified my future with the MOU.
>         Me? Going to do what some of my critics have been telling me
>         -- " disappear" or " go away" and that is what I am going to do.
>         Michael Hendrickson
>         Duluth, Minnesota
>         Minnesota Birding Treks
>         http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
>     --- USFamily.Net <http://www.usfamily.net/dialup.html> -
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>     Thank you.
I would certainly second that.



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