[mou] FW: Auk # 123 # 1 Cautionary note re Ivory-billed Woodpeckers

Tallman, Dan tallmand@northern.edu
Sun, 26 Feb 2006 16:28:10 -0600

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Here is a link to the AOU article on Ivory-billed Woodpeckers.


From: Birding Discussion List for North Dakota on behalf of Stevan =
Sent: Sun 26-Feb-06 3:06 PM
Subject: Auk # 123 # 1 Cautionary note re Ivory-billed Woodpeckers

ND-Birders, SATXBirders:

People may have heard about Jerome Jackson's cautionary note about the =
occurrence of Ivory-billed Woodpecker in Arkansas. His fifteen article =
is in The Auk Vol 123 # 1.  It can be found as a PDF file at =

Jackson's comments can be generalized as applying to all observations of =
rare, endangered, possibly re-found extinct, etc  species.  That is, =
before publicizing what they have found, observers need to be very sure =
that they have found just what they claim to have found. To not do so =
can result in backlash that is counterproductive or detrimental to our =



Stevan Hawkins
San Antonio TX

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<DIV id=3DidOWAReplyText83776 dir=3Dltr>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Here is a =
link to the AOU =0A=
article on Ivory-billed Woodpeckers.</FONT></DIV></DIV>=0A=
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<HR tabIndex=3D-1>=0A=
<FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2><B>From:</B> Birding Discussion List for =
North Dakota =0A=
on behalf of Stevan Hawkins<BR><B>Sent:</B> Sun 26-Feb-06 3:06 =
PM<BR><B>To:</B> =0A=
ND-BIRDS@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU<BR><B>Subject:</B> Auk # 123 # 1 Cautionary =
note re =0A=
Ivory-billed Woodpeckers<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>=0A=
<P><FONT size=3D2>ND-Birders, SATXBirders:<BR><BR>People may have heard =
about =0A=
Jerome Jackson's cautionary note about the occurrence of Ivory-billed =
Woodpecker =0A=
in Arkansas. His fifteen article is in The Auk Vol 123 # 1.&nbsp; It can =
be =0A=
found as a PDF file at <A =0A=
f</A>&nbsp;<BR><BR>Jackson's =0A=
comments can be generalized as applying to all observations of rare, =
endangered, =0A=
possibly re-found extinct, etc&nbsp; species.&nbsp; That is, before =
publicizing =0A=
what they have found, observers need to be very sure that they have =
found just =0A=
what they claim to have found. To not do so can result in backlash that =
is =0A=
counterproductive or detrimental to our =0A=
profession.<BR><BR>Onward!<BR><BR>Steve<BR><BR>Stevan Hawkins<BR>San =
Antonio =0A=