[mou] Snowy owl & a merlin

Gail Wieberdink wieber64@comcast.net
Sat, 7 Jan 2006 15:46:52 -0600

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My sister, Mary Hess, my husband and I made a trip to Schaar's Bluff =
this morning in hopes of seeing the gyrfalcon but no luck there although =
we did see a kestrel.  We saw a flock of about 15 bluebirds along the =
road into the Schaar's Bluff parking area.  When we left the area and =
turned right along 42 we got a very good view of a Merlin sitting atop a =
power pole.  We then drove down Pine Bend Trail where we saw several =
small flocks of American tree sparrows, a redpoll, and numerous juncos.  =
A man at Schaar's Bluff had told us about the black Red Tail Hawk along =
Pine Bend and we got several views of that beautiful bird and heard it =
calling!  Thank you!  We also saw a lot of regular red tails throughout =
the entire drive.  As we headed back toward home, we swung in by the =
airport and the large group of birders already in the glycol plant =
parking lot made it very easy to spot the single snowy owl sitting on =
the ground just on the other side of the fence across the concrete tank. =
 It was the closest view we have had so far.  That was about 1:30 to =

What had started out as a very slow birding day ended up being very =
productive!  I guess the birds were enjoying the sun as much as we were. =

Gail Wieberdink
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>My sister, Mary Hess, my husband and =
I&nbsp;made a=20
trip to Schaar's Bluff this morning in hopes of seeing the gyrfalcon but =
no luck=20
there although we did see a kestrel.&nbsp;&nbsp;We&nbsp;saw a flock of =
about 15=20
bluebirds&nbsp;along the road into the Schaar's Bluff parking=20
area.&nbsp;&nbsp;When we left the area and&nbsp;turned&nbsp;right along =
42 we=20
got a very good view of a Merlin sitting atop a power =
pole.&nbsp;&nbsp;We then=20
drove down Pine Bend Trail where we saw several small flocks of American =
sparrows, a redpoll, and numerous juncos.&nbsp; A man&nbsp;at Schaar's =
Bluff had=20
told us about the black Red Tail Hawk along Pine Bend and we got=20
several&nbsp;views of that beautiful bird and heard it calling!&nbsp; =
you!&nbsp; We also saw a lot of regular red tails throughout the entire=20
drive.&nbsp; As we headed back toward home, we swung in by the airport =
and the=20
large group of birders already in the glycol plant parking lot made it =
very easy=20
to spot the single snowy owl sitting on the ground just on the other =
side of the=20
fence across the concrete tank.&nbsp; It was the closest view we have =
had so=20
far.&nbsp; That was about 1:30 to 1:45.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>What had started out as a very slow =
birding day=20
ended up being very productive!&nbsp; I guess the birds were enjoying =
the sun as=20
much as we were.&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Gail Wieberdink</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Roseville<BR><A=20
