[mou] Snowy owl at airport

jbaumann@usfamily.net jbaumann@usfamily.net
Sat, 7 Jan 2006 18:10:19 -0600

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I saw the snowy owl this afternoon about 1:30.  There were only three =
other people also behind the glycol plant along Cargo Road when two =
spotted him across the concrete area northwest of the plant.  He was =
sitting right along the fence, with his back to us and against the =
fence, but swiveling his head to look in all directions.  As more =
birders began to appear, more scopes were set up and the owl seemed to =
direct more and more of his attention to the little crowd gathering.  =
He'd glance at the plane when they went by but he was not disturbed by =
them.  He calmly watch all the activity around him.

Thanks to everyone who has diligently and carefully reported their =
sightings and directions.  I'm confident that for many of us this is a =
first - time sighting, and quite a spectacular bird to view!

Jeanne B.
St. Paul

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<DIV>I saw the snowy owl this afternoon about 1:30.&nbsp; There were =
only three=20
other people also behind the glycol plant along Cargo Road when two =
spotted him=20
across the concrete area northwest of the plant.&nbsp; He was sitting =
along the fence, with his back to us and against the fence, but =
swiveling his=20
head to look in all directions.&nbsp; As more birders began to appear, =
scopes were set up and the owl seemed to direct&nbsp;more and more of =
attention to the little crowd gathering.&nbsp;&nbsp;He'd glance at the =
when they went by&nbsp;but he was not disturbed by them.&nbsp; He calmly =
all the activity around him.</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks to everyone who has diligently and carefully reported their=20
sightings and directions.&nbsp; I'm confident that for many of us this =
is a=20
first - time sighting, and quite a spectacular bird to view!</DIV>
<DIV>Jeanne B.</DIV>
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>

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