[mou] Four Snowy Owls at MSP Sat afternoon

Erika Sitz esitz@goldengate.net
Sun, 8 Jan 2006 13:06:22 -0600

I was waiting for someone else to post, as there were several people there,
but I didn't see anything.  I apologize if this is redundant.

Four Snowy Owls were observed from behind the glycol processing facility
somewhere between a little bit before 4pm and a little past 4:30pm.  Two
were in a generally two-o'clock direction, one on a light tower and one on
top of a large dirt pile.  One was in a generally ten-o'cloc direction,
sitting behind a runway marker.  Those three sat for awhile.  One was
straight out by a fence fairly close as we got there, and subsequently flew
away to the left and was lost to sight.

I'm sorry that I can't give good descriptions, they were quite far away,
even with a scope view, and my eyes just weren't at their best.  Someone
with younger eyes who was there must give a better description.

Erika Sitz
Ramsey, north Anoka County