[mou] Ferruginous hawk siting

roeske@geology.ucdavis.edu roeske@geology.ucdavis.edu
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 18:46:30 -0800 (PST)

I'm new to this list, having found it in an effort to know if a
Ferruginous hawk siting in eastern MN (near  Twin cities) is rare.
     Day - Jan. 31, ~ 11 a.m.
      Place - Arcola Trail, ~ 2 miles N of where it branches off Hwy. 95
N. of Stillwater.
     Setting - rural - open fields, some stands of trees.
      I was in passenger side of our car, as we drove slowly N (icy gravel
road that day). The hawk was flying toward us, then flared up about
100 ft. or less away. I had an excellent view of the underside, was
struck by the overall very light color and in particular no evidence
of red tail. Only bird that came to mind at that time was
Ferruginous (having seen them out west). Checked the bird book on
returning home and was quite positive of i.d., but see that it is
described as "rare" by Sibley and other bird guides. Have others
seen it? I don't find it on your "rare bird list", so don't know if
it is more common than the bird books imply.
Sarah Roeske