[mou] Weekend birding in Minnesota

UFFMAN, JOSHUA P [AG/1000] joshua.p.uffman@monsanto.com
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:54:10 -0600

Hey MN birders,

A couple months ago my son, 11 years old, said he wanted to go see all the
owls I saw last year.  I obviously could not turn that down.  We left our
home in St. Louis, Missouri last Thursday for our weekend trip, January
13-15th..  We ended the trip with 38 species seen in Minnesota, here are the
highlights.  Many of the below were originally found by others--So, thanks
much for all the great posts!

Friday, January 13:
No luck at all with the Dakota County Gyrfalcon in the early AM

	-1 at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport, sitting next to the sign
reading "1" along the runway
	-1 perched on telephone pole just south of Tamarack along Kestrel
(CR16)-Aitkin County
	-1 perched on telephone pole along "Great River Road" just west of
650th Lane-Aitkin County
	-2 Northern Shrikes, 5 Rough-legged Hawks (including one dark adult)
and about 30 Snow Buntings also observed in Aitkin 	County

Saturday, January 14:  Sax-Zim Bog
	-1 NORTHERN HAWK OWL perched along Stone Lake Road
	-1 GREAT GRAY OWL perched about 2.0 miles north of Sax Road on
	-1 BLACK BACKED WOODPECKER, along McDavitt right next to the blue
surveying tape.. Same spot as last year
 	-1 Northern Shrike, 2 Snow Buntings, Common Redpolls and more
Red-breasted Nuthatches than I have ever observed also 	were seen

Saturday, January 14:  UMD Campus
	-VARIED THRUSH hanging out with 2 American Robins, north side of the
campus, along Saint Marie Street just east of 	Kirby Drive.

Sunday, January 15:  Hwy 1, 1.0 miles east of Spruce Road
	-1 male SPRUCE GROUSE.  This was after driving around in this area
for almost 4 hours, FINALLY 1 was observed sitting 	right on side of

Sunday, January 15:  "Moose Cafe" feeders in Isabella
	-many Pine Grosbeaks, Common Redpolls, a couple Pine Siskins

Headed home and searched again for the Dakota County Gyrfalcon, but

Lastly, I got a few pictures of some of the birds, none are great...
However, they can be viewed here for anyone interested.
0  Just click on the arrow pointing to the right to scan through them.

Joshua Uffman
St. Louis County, Missouri 

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