[mou] MRVAC - SE Minnesota Birding Trip Report - 1/16/2006

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan@msn.com
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 11:23:44 -0600

January 16, 2006

Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
SE Minnesota Birding
Trip Report

17 - Participants
37 - Species of Birds observed

Enjoyed a spring like day in Southern Minnesota, with a winter like drive 
home.  Our group started the day at Silver Lake in Rochester scanning 
through the 1000s of Canada Geese in search of any other over wintering 
waterfowl.  We observed several hybrid Snow Geese and one Blue phase Snow 
Goose.  There were also many Mallards, but that was it for the waterfowl we 
were able to find.  Next we headed to Fillmore county, with a stop at the 
Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center.  There were lots of Finch's at 
the feeders there, including many Purple Finches.  Nancy Overcott joined our 
group and led us to Spring Grove in search of an Albino Red-tailed Hawk that 
was reported nearby.  We were unsuccessful in our search for the Red-tailed 
Hawk, but some of our group did see Snow Buntings in route (CR 18?).  From 
Spring Grove we did a loop on Houston County road 5, 23, Eitzen Creek Drive, 
Quarry Road and back to Caledonia on CR 5.  Our highlight on this loop was a 
Golden Eagle.  We observed a 1st Winter Golden Eagle along CR 5, 3.4 miles 
Southeast of the intersection of CR 5 and CR 14.  The bird was observed in 
flight coming from the North side of CR 5 and circled over CR 5 for about a 
minute before disappearing to the SE.  From there we headed home with a stop 
for Owls in Olmsted

@ Snow goose
@ Wild Turkey
@ Rough-legged Hawk - Fillmore County - on an unmarked East West county road 
that runs one mile North of CR 11.  The bird
                      was observed about 4 miles East of Hwy. 52.
@ Golden Eagle - Houston County - CR 5, 3.4 miles Southeast of the 
intersection of CR 5 and CR 14.
@ American Kestrel - 5 birds were observed with several in Fillmore & 
Houston counties and one in Winona County.
@ Mourning Dove Olmsted County - Hwy. 30 - 2 miles West of Chatfield
@ Eastern Screech Owl - Heard only
@ Red-bellied Woodpeckers - Many heard and seen throughout the areas 
@ Northern Flicker - one on an unmarked Fillmore county road
@ American Robin
@ Lapland Longspur - Large flock observed on same road that the Rough-legged 
Hawk was observed on.
@ Snow Bunting
@ Purple Finch

Craig Mandel - Minnetonka