[mou] Duluth/Sax Zim weekend

B W wielandba@yahoo.com
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:54:46 -0800 (PST)

On Saturday Dale Yerger and I visited Canal Park for
Gulls, Falcons etc.  We saw....

1 Glaucous Gull, 2nd winter
1 Iceland Gull, adult
1 Thayer's Gull, 2nd winter
Many Herring Gulls
1 Peregrine Falcon, adult 
1 Gyrfalcon, juvenile

All birds were seen right at Canal Park.  The Glaucous
and both falcons at approx. 1:30 pm, and the other
gulls at approx. 4 pm.  The Peregrine and the Gyr flew
right in above the channel and appeared to be having
an altercation.  The Peregrine vocalized and dove at
the Gyrfalcon as the two birds sped eastward over Park

On Sunday Molly Malecek and I visited the Sax Zim
area.  We saw...

2 Black-backed Woodpeckers-McDavitt road
1 Brown Creeper along McDavitt road 
1 Northern Hawk Owl along McDavitt road
1 Boreal Chickadee about .5 miles east of Owl ave on
15 Snow Buntings along CR 7
1 Ruffed Grouse along Blue Spruce ave.
7 (at least)Rough-legged Hawks throughout area
5 Gray Jays along McDavitt and Correction Line.

Ben Wieland

Ben Wieland
Deep Portage Learning Center
2197 Nature Center Dr. NW
Hackensack, MN  56452   (218)682-2325

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